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Perspectives in Body Image: An international online conference

Perspectives in Body image conference logo

Dates: 16th-18th Sept 2025

Abstract deadline: 15th April 2025

PBI is a conference that brings together researchers from diverse disciplines and regions working on body image (broadly defined) and sociocultural appearance pressures. The organisers aim to support international sharing of research on body image while breaking down barriers to participation through online hosting and support for additional language abstracts.

Keynote speakers: Professor Anne Becker, Harvard University and Professor Tracy Tylka, Ohio State University

Scope of abstracts: Perceptual, affective and cultural perspectives are all welcome.
Potential topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Questionnaire and interview based studies of body image and/or sociocultural appearance pressures
  • Experimental and lab-based studies of body ideals or body/appearance satisfaction
  • Studies of the interactions between body representation and body image
  • Ethnographic research on appearance pressures or body image

Organising committee
Prof Lynda Boothroyd, University of Durham
Dr Elizabeth Evans, University of Durham
Dr Vani Kakar, San Francisco State University
Dr Catherine Preston, University of York
Dr Hannah Lewis, Queen Mary University of London
Administrative support: Dr Gemma Cornetti, University of Durham

Abstract submission
To submit a paper for consideration, please submit a 300-words abstract via the submission form. Presenters may give a preference for an individual talk of fifteen minutes (per presenter) or a poster (to be presented as a shared pdf with an interactive online poster session). The abstract should comprise the theoretical background, the methodology and results, and the major conclusions. The data collection should be completed or close to completion by the submission of your abstract. Note: presenters must submit their abstract in English but can also include a version in an additional language. The programme committee will include reviewers fluent in Spanish, French, German, and English.

Conference registration and fees

Early-bird registration
(deadline 31st June 2025)
Full registration
Non-student (High income country)£20£25
Student (High income country)£10£15
Non-student (Low or middle income country*)£10
Student (Low or middle income country*)Free**£10

* Country income bracket based on World Bank list; ** Number limits may apply

Register for the conference here!

Conference programme: pending

Presenter instructions: pending