Appearance, Culture & Evolution Lab
Lab Members
Academic and Research Staff
Research Students
James Rutter– Sexual dimorphism and gender in the voice
Georgia Tuohy – Gender attitudes and empathy in children in Uganda and the UK
Joe McAdam – Stereotypes of facial appearance and sexual preference in gay men
Charlie Greenall – Eating and autism
Shuang Hua – Social media, gender roles and body image in Chinese women
Louise Hanson – Body image, body size misperception and developmental predictors of eating disorder risk
Joel Caleb Hernandez – Colour-based appearance anxiety in Latin America
Associate Members
Former members and students
Dr Hue San Kuay, Dr Natalia Dutra
Material for the public
Caregivers wanting to support girls’ body image may find it useful to visit the BeReal Campaign or this guide to helping girls learn to love their bodies.